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Maximizing Space in Your Flat Pack Container House

by:Lida Group     2023-06-23

Maximizing Space in Your Flat Pack Container House

A flat pack container house is becoming a popular option for many homeowners due to its affordability, portability, and eco-friendliness. However, despite its advantages, a major concern is the limited space that comes with it. Fortunately, there are various ways to maximize the space in your flat pack container house. In this article, we will discuss five practical tips and tricks to help you achieve the most spacious living arrangement possible.

1. Consider wise furniture choices

Furniture accounts for a significant fraction of the space in a flat pack container house. To maximize the space, it is vital to choose furniture pieces that are practical, proportionate, and space-saving. You can buy furniture that doubles as storage, such as sofa-beds, storage tables, and hidden compartments. You can also consider using foldable furniture pieces and multifunctional furniture to save space. For instance, you can use a foldable desk as a dining table or use stackable chairs that can be easily kept away when not in use.

2. Utilize Wall Space

Life in a flat pack container house requires a little bit of creativity. Fortunately, the walls in a flat pack container house can serve many purposes and help you save space. You can use wall space to store things like books, decorative items, kitchen utensils, and even pots and pans. Magnetic knife holders, wall-mounted shelving units, and hanging baskets can be used to maximize storage space without taking up precious floor area. You can also install hooks and racks to hang clothing and towels, thereby conserving drawer and cabinet space.

3. Practice Proper Organization

Organization is the key to maximizing space in a flat pack container house. Lack of space makes it essential to keep your home tidy and not cluttered. Take the time to sort through your belongings and donate or sell anything you don't need. Utilize storage containers and shelves to keep your home and items organized. Label boxes and designate specific areas for various items to optimize space and avoid a chaotic atmosphere.

4. Invest in Custom Built-Ins

Custom built-ins are an excellent way of maximizing space while keeping your home stylish and functional. Built-ins modify your container house's interior structure to better accommodate storage space, functionality, and style. Installing a custom built-in ensures that every inch of your home is working towards maximizing space. Moreover, because the built-ins are designed to fit your specific space, you can have built-in furniture and storage units without worrying about size limitations.

5. Think Vertical

When maximizing space in a flat pack container house, the height of the structure should be put to good use. High ceilings give an illusion of a larger space, and you can use them to your advantage by installing extra storage space. Adding one or two feet above the cabinets will create extra space to store items, increasing the storage area without encroaching on the living quarters. You can also opt for loft beds, hanging storage units, suspended garden beds, and shelves extending from floor to ceiling to free up floor area.


Living in a flat pack container house requires thoughtful planning and creativity when it comes to maximizing space. The tips discussed above can help you take advantage of every square foot, giving you a functional and comfortable container home. Be sure to invest in space-saving furniture, utilize wall space, organize your belongings effectively, invest in custom built-ins, and think vertically. With careful planning and a little creativity, you can create a spacious and comfortable living arrangement inside your flat pack container house.

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