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What types and markets are there in modular integrated housing?

by:Lida Group     2022-03-04

What is an integrated house?

Integrated houses are also called prefabricated buildings. They are built by industrialized production methods, and some or all components of the building are prefabricated in factories, and then transported to the construction site to connect the components through reliable connections. Houses built by way of assembly. In Europe, America and Japan, it is called industrialized housing or industrialized housing.

China's integrated housing can be traced back to the 1980s, when China introduced integrated housing from Japan and built hundreds of low-rise light steel structure villas; The company entered the domestic market and built several multi-storey light steel structure integrated residences in Beijing, Shanghai and other places. The real large-scale development of integrated construction business has only gradually developed in recent years. At present, a preliminary system has been formed in China in research and development, design and manufacture, construction and installation.

What is the potential size of the market?

1. Private housing market

According to estimates, the number of new urban villas and rural single-family houses is predicted to be around 300,000 units each year, corresponding to the short-term integrated housing penetration rate. The demand for low-rise integrated houses in the submarket will be around 26,000 units by 2020. In the medium and long term in the future, the annual demand for low-rise integrated housing will be around 350,000 units.

2. Tourism and vacation market

Due to the fact that the domestic tourism industry is still in the investment stage, this direction is only used as a medium and short-term market growth driver. It is estimated that by 2020, the investment in construction will be about 130 billion yuan. According to estimates, it will bring a market value of about 11 billion yuan to low-rise integrated housing. Among them, hotel investment, in view of the overall slowdown of the domestic hotel industry, is expected to bring about 680,000 square meters of market demand by 2020.

3. Elderly care market

According to the plan of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 2020, there will be a gap of 2.898 million beds in my country. 15%, the pension real estate will bring a corresponding new construction demand of 2.7 million square meters.

In general, based on the above calculations, in the short-term stage of the next 3-5 years, the market size of low-rise structure buildings will be around 10 billion, and in the long-term stage of 15-20 years, it will become a market of 100 billion.


1. The process of urbanization continues

There is still much room for improvement in the housing conditions of the Chinese people. The National New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020) clarifies the goal of further promoting the urbanization process. On the one hand, during the demolition of the old city and the relocation of residents in the process of urbanization, the daily life of the residents must be guaranteed, so for some areas with insufficient housing supply, a large number of houses need to be completed quickly. On the other hand, the construction of the new city pays more attention to environmental protection and energy conservation than before. This further consolidates the prefabricated integrated house to provide a fertile soil for active.

2. The tourism and vacation industry is improving.

With the increase of social wealth and the trend of consumption upgrading, the tourism consumption of Chinese nationals is in a stage of explosive growth. According to the '2016 China Tourism Investment Report' released by the National Tourism Administration, the tourism industry continues to heat up and is a new outlet for social investment. Among them, infrastructure construction, park construction, catering and shopping consumption projects are the main investment directions, and these areas are expected to become new growth points for the low-rise integrated housing business.

3. Aging is coming

Aging not only forces the development of prefabricated buildings at the level of labor resources, but also is one of the important market segments at the level of demand. Although the vacancy rate of existing nursing homes still needs to be improved due to factors such as price and service integrity, generally speaking, there is still room for new nursing beds in China in the short term.

What factors drive the development of the industry?

1. The shortage of workers and the increase of labor costs

In recent years, the fertility rate of my country's population has decreased, the aging society has arrived, and the advantage of demographic dividend has been lost. At the same time, with the development of the Internet industry, more young laborers are engaged in emerging industries such as express delivery and takeaway. This makes it more and more difficult to recruit workers in the construction industry, and the cost of labor is getting higher and higher. Compared with traditional construction methods, prefabricated integrated buildings use refined division of labor to greatly improve production efficiency and reduce labor requirements; and factory prefabricated production can give full play to the scale effect, thereby achieving cost advantages in a competitive environment with rising labor costs.

2. Environmental protection, energy saving

In recent years, the environmental protection needs of the society have become increasingly prominent, and the voices of protecting wood, reducing the emission of sewage and waste gas and construction waste are increasing day by day. There are natural advantages in this regard.

3. Economic efficiency

The domestic economy has entered the current stage of steady growth after the end of the ultra-high-speed growth, so enterprises have begun to pursue more efficient forms of economic organization. Shortening the construction period and accelerating business turnover are the common needs of many enterprises, and integrated housing is a good solution.

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